Monday, February 22, 2010

kimmy's Final Presentation

Kimmy’s Final presentation was very interesting. As a working women myself her presentation makes me feel very grateful for the people who made the workplace what it is today. I thought it was amazing to find out that during the war an increase of about 57% of women held men’s jobs. However, when the men returned from war women were forced to give-up their jobs and go back to their families. I cant imagine going from feeling powerful and worthy, then later being forced to go back to feeling unworthy. In the video it discussed how women’s roles have evolved. In the earlier years the roles of women primarily revolved around working at home; times have changed and now many women are known to be very involved in the workforce, and even be CEO’s of a company. The video clip included within the presentation discusses how men feel about women’s power advancing. Because of how much women have developed I can understand why men may sometimes feel inferior; however, America must continue to reamin equal. In no way do I feel that women have become more powerful than men. If anything, I feel that men are still looked at as the main source of income provider for a family; this is how my family is set-up. Overall, women in the workplace have advanced tremendouslym, and I think that message was clearly conveyed through kimmy’s final presentation. Girls my age are now able to work towards going to college and earning a well paying job, instead of being forced to be a homemaker.

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